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Loving Communication is Essential for Healthy Relationships

The purpose of communication is to create a reflection that shows you what needs to be understood to be more of who you are. Communing with and relating to others mirrors back to you what you are putting out. The higher the frequency you put out the clearer and more harmonious the reflection coming back will be.

Loving Communication illustrationQuestions and Answers about Loving Communication

Loving Communication

  1. What is “Loving Communication” to you?
    • It’s having a loving, kind, compassionate, high vibration in every way you communication you put out.
  2. Why is it important to “love” communicating with other people?
    • If you love putting out high vibrations then you will put out more of them, and you will get more back, and raise your own vibes as well as everyone else’s.
    • You will change the world! With your love!
    • Loving communication can be a tool for ascension. You get inspiration from “All that Is” when you communicate.
    • When you hear and see yourself being wonderful, you learn that you and everyone else is wonderful.
  3. Can you ever stop communicating? If you don’t talk are you still communicating?
    • You are always communicating whether you think so or not. You cannot stop putting out the energy that you are and you are getting back what you are putting out
    • You are always communicating your state of being in the moment…In our house you can feel everyone’s energy.
    • You are always communicating your strongest beliefs over the long run. Your life is a story communicating your beliefs.
  4. What are the different forms of communication?
    • Words, body language, physical touch, all senses, energy transmissions, telepathy.
  5. How do absolute words like “Always” and “Never” affect communication?
    • They lock you in and don’t leave room for others or yourself to change
  6. What is the Purpose of Communication?
    • The purpose of communication is to create a reflection that shows you what needs to be understood to be more of who you are. Communing with and relating to others mirrors back to you what you are putting out.
  7. How important is Full and Open Expression in Communities?
    • Being proficient in communication is an essential trait when living in community, a group, or any partnership.
    • There are always a new situations coming up and many different ways to look at them from all the different people, especially when everyone has agreed to fully express themselves and share their gifts.  
    • A helpful way is to have group members share common values and desire to work together.
    • Living in such close proximity is a catalyst that triggers people. To maintain a high frequency, it is essential for everyone in the group to communicate without holding anything back.
    • It is easy to communicate openly when all the others in the group have the group’s and your best interests at heart and have agreed to unconditionally love you and treat you as family.
  8. Why is it important to have agreements that you are going to be loving?
    • Make agreements with yourself to be loving
    • Make agreements with others to be loving when possible.
    • Why? Because it sets a foundation to come back to when you are upset and not of a mindset to recover.

Communication Issues

What are the main Communication Issues that come up and How do you deal with them?

  1. Getting Triggered is a Good Thing! It teaches you what is out of Alignment
    • The emotional issue has come up to show you that you have a belief that is out of alignment with your higher self and is teaching you something about yourself. It will continue to come up wherever you run, until you shift the belief.
    • You can’t run away from it. You must face it.
    • The other person is of service to you. They are only reflecting back to you what you put out, so you can see what beliefs you need to shift.
  2. How can you Take Accountability For Issues That Are Yours.
    • If you are angry, triggered, or emotionally charged in any way about a situation, or if another person offends you, then it is likely that it is your own issue and you are experiencing your own reflected projection. Self inquiry is key! Byron Katie uses the 4 question technique for Self Inquiry, and I highly recommend reading and practicing with these 4 questions;  Number 1: Is it true? Number 2: Can you absolutely know that it’s true? Number 3: How do you react or what happens, when you believe that thought? Number 4: Who would you be without the thought? When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change! Seeing the triggers as a golden nugget, an opportunity to fine tune any beliefs that might come up in that moment. The level of your personal growth is directly linked to your level of commitment to keep on doing your personal work.
  3. What To Do When You Are Upset With Another Person.
    • Admit this to yourself…As stated above, if you are upset, then it is your own emotion you are experiencing, so it is your own issue. Take responsibility for what is yours.
    • The catalyst of the situation may come from someone other than you, but your response is your own.
    • Shift your state of being to being calm and positive.
    • Negotiate a Solution or Compromise…see next
  4. “Core” Tools to use when you are Triggered
    • Remember that circumstances do not matter; state of being matters.
    • Trust that synchronicity is perfectly orchestrating everything at all times.
    • If it’s happening it is meant to happen.
    • You can’t solve a problem from same energy it is created. Move yourself to the new energy of being the solution.
    • Remember that you are an infinite being and that it is all your own projection. You are interacting with yourself!
    • Utilize the power of the illusion rather than being under the illusion of power.
  5. Negotiate a Solution or Compromise with loving energy that deals with issue
    • After you are calm and centered, talk to the person about the issue.
    • Remember their position is as valid as yours. They are sovereign beings on their own incarnationally themed path.
    • If it is no big deal for them to behave differently then maybe they will agree to work on it and change.
    • If it is import to them that they continue the behavior then maybe compromise to do it 50% of the time.
    • If they don’t want to then at all then, you have the choice to put up with them or separate yourself from them.  
  6. Projections By Others That Are Not Your Issue.
    • If someone projects onto you that you have an issue, like “I hate your red pants,” and you are not even wearing red pants, then you can move on with your own business and know that it does not have anything to do with you.
    • If you continue in a high loving vibration with no emotional charge and you can neutrally observe a situation where others are challenged, then there is a good chance it is not your issue.
    • Don’t worry about what others are saying or doing if it has nothing to do with you.
  7. Bringing Up An Issue You Have With Someone Else.
    • If you feel that someone else is misaligned or out of integrity, first check in with yourself and make sure it is not your own issue. If it is truly an “observation,” it needs to be delivered without any hint of animosity, judgment or attack in as loving a way as possible.
    • If you sincerely feel you are neutrally observing something that is not aligned with the other person’s communication or behavior, then gently ask their permission for giving feedback with something like, “Would you be interested in something I picked up on as I was listening to you talk?” If it is a person you know well, you can bypass this step by having a standing agreement to always be open to observations that are objective and for the purpose of upliftment and expansion.
    • Once permission has been established, share your observation using kind and loving energy and ending in the form of a question. Say something like, “About that statement that you just made, I didn’t feel it in my heart. How did it feel to you when you said it?” or “That didn’t land with me,” or “That didn’t resonate with me,” or “That felt a little off to me. How do you feel about that?” or “When you check in, did that resonate with you?”
  8. What To Do When Someone Brings Up An Issue They Have With You.
    • If someone brings up an issue with you (and this also works if you have an issue with them) it is important to immediately move into your heart space and let go of any defensiveness or judgment.
    • Don’t feel attracted. Be grateful that they care enough to share.
    • Surrender and listen to their issue with your heart. Neutrally observe how what is happening in the situation is enriching their life or not.
    • Let them know you heard them. Repeat back to them in as loving and balanced energy as possible what you heard the issue is with no evaluation.
    • Then ask them what emotions come up about the situation, listen, and repeat what you heard back to them.
    • Next ask them what they feel needs to happen to rectify the situation, enhance their life, and enhance the lives of all involved.
    • Listen, and repeat what you heard back to them. Listening and repeating back to them what you sense they are really communicating creates a flow of communication that will naturally manifest solutions.
    • When you do this over and over again it creates trust, love and understanding.
    • Remember the trick is to stay in control of your own emotions.
    • If you or they cannot maintain your emotions, ask a third party to facilitate the conversation.
    • A helpful aid in controlling your emotions is to realize there is also something for you to gain from this, or synchronicity would not have chosen you to work through this issue with them.
    • When resolution has been reached gracefully, thank the person for their gift of being a reflection that has allowed you to expand and be more of who you are.
  9. What are some of the Communication Options that work for you?
    • Direct Communication With Anyone You Have an Issue With. : If you have an issue with someone then lovingly communicate directly with that person regardless of what may come up.
    • NEVER Talk behind someone’s back leads to assumptions and usually involves your own projections. You can talk to others about your issue to help help you understand it better, as long as it is in a positive loving way and not in a judgemental way, untactful or negative way.
    • 2-way street!: If someone talks with you about someone else in a judgmental way, ask them if they have tried direct communication? If not, advise them to go directly to that person and discontinue the conversation about the other person that is not present. If  they have used direct communication and you feel they are open to a non-judgmental conversation about the issue at hand, and you can move to a light state of being, re-engage with all those involved utilizing positive and loving energy. This way you could assist them and become a mirror to reflect to them and help to to gain deeper insights….
    • The benefit of talking to a Confidant: Someone who holds sacred space for both parties involved, without judging or projecting
  10. When should you ask for 3rd party assistance to facilitate working through an issue?
    • If you just can’t get over being charged/triggered, then it would be helpful to ask for 3rd party assistance.
    • If you are emotionally charged about the issue then it is likely your issue and it would be beneficial to ask an objective, non-judgemental 3rd party to facilitate the conversation.
    • If you can’t work through an issue with another individual ask for assistance from someone who you feel is qualified to facilitate.
    • A neutral third party facilitator with a working knowledge of healthy communication skill and high vibrational values can be of great assistance in resolving issues, representing the best interests of all involved, helping to eliminate any threat or fear of attack, and eliminating any personal judgments about right and wrong.
    • If you are aligned with a supportive community, then there will likely be someone who is qualified to act as a mediator to help you work through issues, adjust your state of being, and transform the out-of-alignment limiting beliefs and definitions.

High Vibration Conscious Communication

  1. Why shift to higher vibrational forms of communication?
    • The higher the frequency you put out the clearer and more harmonious the reflection coming back will be. The more aware you are of what you are putting out and what is coming back the more you and the others involved will benefit.
  2. How do you use Namaste as an effective tool?
    • The  Sanskrit salutation “Namaste” is a quick high-energetic way to commune. It encapsulates the idea of coming together energetically to a place of connection and timelessness, free from the bonds of ego-connection where a deep union of spirits can blossom and the truth of the heart – that we are all one and a part of the One – can flow.
  3. What is “Conscious” Connecting / Conversation / Communication?
    • A conscious conversation is where you are fully present, really connect, feel heard, and you hear. Conscious conversation is an art form. It is communicating with heart, mind and soul. It is the beginning of telempathic communication.
  4. What are some Keys For Effective and Uplifting Communication
    • Communicate Positively and Clearly
    • Communicate Openly and Fully From Your Heart
    • Focus On Solutions Rather Than Problems
    • Communicate From the Present—Use “The Pitch” For Stories From the Past. (1) The call to adventure. (2) Challenges along the way. (3) How you transformed it.
    • Communicate Utilizing Core Common Values as a Basis
  5. What is the Art of Conscious Communication?
    • Agree To the Conversation
    • Tune In
    • Speak as Higher Guidance Directs
      1. You will be told what to say and when to say it. Don’t rely on your mind to talk.
      2. Even if your mind wants to say something you may be directed not to.
      3. You may get ideas you’ve had before coming out of your mouth.
    • Allot For Even Amounts of Sharing
    • Remember You Are Mirrors For Each Other
  6. What are some Possible Questions to Use in Conscious Conversation?
    • Be Present. What are you experiencing right now? What emotion are you feeling? What is your honest truth right now at this moment?
    • Become More Aware. What was the most profound experience, epiphany, breakthrough, or idea that came up in the last week? How did it come up? Who will you be, how are you different now that you are aware of this new idea? How much difference are you creating in your life?
    • Follow Your Excitement. What is the most exciting thing you can think to do right now, in this very moment? Tomorrow? For the rest of your life? Why? To the best of your ability, what action can you take now to experience your excitement, passion, joy, bliss?
    • Let Go of What Limits You…Judgments. What issue are you facing? What emotion comes up, what happens, what is your reaction when you think about it? What would you have to believe is true to have that emotion? How does the judgment serve you? Who would you be if you let it go?
  7. What are some Possible Techniques to Use in Conscious Conversation?
    • Silence and Love. Be silent and look into their eyes and imagine that they are you. Send them love and receive love from them. You are interacting with yourself. They are what you make them up to be. Notice any judgments and what comes up for you. Continue to see them as love and allow them to be love. Everything you experience is a reflection of you. You experience your state of being. You are what you experience. You are co-creating, because they are having the same experience as you. You are “All That Is” experiencing itself as you. The One is the All and the All are the One.
    • Share Wisdom. Teach when you are asked and it is appropriate. Deliver it as your experience. For example, if you have a deep understanding about nature and trees then share it.
    • Co-creation. Share in co-creating a project. Build on each other’s excitement.
    • Levity. There is no quicker way to enlightenment than to lighten up. Have fun and tell jokes that are uplifting and non-judgmental.
    • Telempathy. Practice being telempathic. We are all completely capable of telempathy and will be doing it more and more as we expand.
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