Laws of Creation – Summary
The Laws of Creation
There are 4 laws of Creation/Existence that allow you to experience everything you experience. They give structure to Creation and cannot be broken, unlike regulations or rules that can be made up and changed. They are even beyond the laws of physics, because the laws of physics only apply to the reality they are in and different dimensions are governed by different physical laws. The 4 laws of Creation are the laws that apply to all of Creation and all of Existence.
You Exist. If you take this out to its ultimate logical understanding you realize that if you exist now, you always will, and you always have. You are eternal. You can exist as an infinite range of different ideas, including different beings, times, and places, but you cannot not exist.
- You Exist Now, You always will, and You Always Have
- You Exist As a Multitude of Expressions
The One is the All and the All are the One. The One (or Creation/God) knows itself as the One and all the pieces. All of the pieces together form the One. Creation is made of the Creator. There is no outside to Creation. Every discrete part and piece is part of the same whole and just like a in hologram every part is the whole.
- The One Is Made Up From All the Pieces
- Everything is Made Of One Thing
- Realizing Your Oneness with Everyone and Everything
What you put out you get back. You attract what you are and repel what you are not. You cannot experience what you are not the vibration of. The beliefs you hold most strongly are the energetic vibrations that create the reality you experience.
- Your Frequency Determines What You Experience
- Physical Reality is a Mirror
- What You Put Out Is Determined By What You Believe
Everything Changes. Your consciousness is shifting through billions of realities per second. You are never the same thing twice. Every change is a complete change. You are literally a new reality every moment… not a new person, but a complete new reality.
- Change
- Changing The World
- If Change Does Not Occur
- Change is Instantaneous
Everything is Here and Now. This is a subset of the 1st law which is that you exist and is added as a 5th law to the other 4 laws for clarification. Time and space is a mental construct created by our consciousness. Everything exists here and now. Traveling in space and time is traveling in you, in your consciousness. Synchronicity is the physical translation of everything happening at once, in perfect timing, as it needs to, and everything being connected.
- Everything is Here and Now
- Synchronicity
- Everything Is Perfect
Mechanics of Physical Reality and The Tools to Master It
This incarnation as individualized beings is only one small aspect of the greater consciousness that you actually are. It is something you chose to do and being the most you can be while you are here is the purpose of this life. This section explains what physical reality is and provides tools to become masters of the game of life that you are playing.
Physical Reality is your consciousness taking a specific focus. Physical reality is a reflection of the frequency that your consciousness puts out, like an image in a mirror. There is actually nothing out there, outside of you. It is all inside your own consciousness.
- Physical Reality
- Levels of Consciousness – That Make Up This Incarnational Experience
- Physical Self and Higher Self
- Your Powers in the Physical Reality Game
Following Your Excitement in every moment, to the best of your ability, with integrity, until you can take it no further, without any expectation of the outcome is the most important thing you can do, because excitement is your body’s physical translation of the true core nature of who you really are.
- Following Your Excitement
- Your Higher Self Knows the Way
- Your Excitement Is A Complete Kit and Will Provide Everything You Need
- Excitement Includes What is Best for the Group As Well As Yourself
- Why it is So Important to Let Go of Expectations
- Determining Whether it is Excitement or Anxiety
- Your Purpose is To Be You As Fully As You Can…And that is Achieved By Following Your Excitement
- Permission Slips
- There Will Always Be Challenges… And That Is Exciting!
Abundance and Manifesting. Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it. Abundance is knowing who you are, that you are enough, and that you are perfectly manifesting the vibration you are putting out.
- You Are Already Abundant
- Manifestation is Making the Invisible Visible
- Manifesting by Visualizing and Behaving As If
- Learn To Do More With Less
Energetic Frequency, Density, and Dimension. Frequency is the vibrational rate of consciousness. Everything, including matter, is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. Different states or properties of objects are created by their different frequency rates. As the frequency rate rises, more information is made available. The invisible becomes visible. The information has always been there, but now it can be experienced.
- Definition of Energetic Frequency
- There is Nothing Outside of You
- How To Raise Your Frequency
- Matching Only The Frequencies You Agree To
- Frequency/State of Being Matters, Circumstances Do Not Matter
- Life Has No Meaning, Except For What You Give It
- Dimension vs. Density and Shifting Between 3rd and 4th Density
Removing Negativity – Judgement of Good and Bad – Motivation. Beliefs in right and wrong, good and bad create judgements that lock beliefs into place, they are subjective ideas that relate to a person’s own perspectives. Define Things as Positive and Negative Rather Than Good and Bad. Positive energy integrates, expands and opens. Negative energy segregates, contracts and closes.
- Removing Negativity and Experiencing What You Truly Prefer
- You Are Always Motivated By What You Believe Will Bring You More Pleasure
- Polarity – Defining Things as Positive and Negative Rather Than Good and Bad
Beliefs and Definitions. Your beliefs and definitions create your reality. New beliefs are necessary to create new and different realities or experiences. Believing is seeing, not seeing is believing. There is no reality except your definition of it. You only experience what you believe you experience.
- Beliefs Create Your Reality
- Believing Is Seeing
- Transform Beliefs Instantly
- Beliefs Swept Under The Rug Will Still Be Experienced
- New Definitions Are Needed To Create a New World
- Transforming the Belief in Separation and Lack to Self Empowerment is the Key
- The Surrender of Beliefs That Do Not Serve You
- 7 Steps To Transform Beliefs
By: Kirk Nielsen
You Exist
You Exist Now, You Always Will, and You Always Have
You exist. You cannot not exist. If you take this out to its ultimate logical understanding you realize that if you exist now you always will and you always have. You are eternal.
You are consciousness. Everyone and everything is made of consciousness and exists forever. You are “is-ness.” To be is the only quality you have. Is-ness does not know how to become non-existence and there is no room in non-existence for existence.
“You exist, and if you do exist, you always will and always have.”
You Exist As a Multitude of Expressions
You can exist as an infinite range of different ideas, including different beings, times, and places, but you cannot not exist. You are a freewill entity and you operate as various perspectives on various levels.
This Physical incarnation is an example of just one of the possible expressions out of an infinite sea of possible expressions that you can choose to exist as. The idea that you are a mind in a body is a limited perspective that you have temporarily chosen to take on for your own specific reasons. Even in this incarnation, you are far more than a mind and body, you are actually the complete reality that you are experiencing.
Yes, it is true that this physical incarnation will end and that is called death, but that does not mean your consciousness that you really are dies. Physical death is the transition from the limited focus of this particular physical incarnation to a broader focus of the oversoul that you also are. Being born is a transition into a narrower focus that you achieve by incarnating into an individual soul from the oversoul. Either way you always exist, you are just looking through different filters that provide different perspectives. As you go through the process of shifting your perspectives and expanding, all that you will ever uncover is more of yourself. This is the purpose of existence, to know yourself.
By: Kirk Nielsen
The One is the All and the All are the One
The One Is Made Up From All the Pieces
The One (or Creation/God) knows itself as the One and simultaneously as all the pieces. All of the pieces together form the One. Creation is made of the Creator. There is no outside to Creation. Every discrete part and piece is part of the same whole and just like in a hologram, every part is the whole.
”You are a holographic representation of Creation.”
You are Creation expressed as an individual part and the same is true of every other individual and every other thing. Each seemingly different individual is “the One” and “All That Is” experiencing itself from a different point of view. You and everyone and everything are not only all connected, but actually the same one thing.
Everything is Made Of One Thing
Creation is simple. It is as simple as it possibly can be. It is just made of one thing. Out of all that simpleness comes very rich complexity, but that does not mean the the Universe is complicated, it just means that the simpleness in interacting with itself in a very rich reflective manner.
The prime radiant is a concept that explains how everything is made from one thing. Imagine that there is just one particle and it has no mass and it can move at infinite speeds. If it moved at infinite speed, it can be everywhere at the same time appearing as if it is a multitude of particles when infact it is all the same particle moving back and forth in an intricate geometric pattern. It makes the Universe appear as though it is full of different galaxies, stars, planets and particles, but everything is actually made out of the same one particle. This not only applies spiritually, but also physically.
As the particle crosses its own path it becomes denser and denser. Gravity is created at the places where it crosses itself. This interaction with itself on different paths form different states of reality. Everything is really just one thing. It is All That Is. It is the One experiencing itself as everything.
Realizing Your Oneness with Everyone and Everything
When you realize that you are literally connected with everything, that it is really you, that you are just interacting with yourself, and that nothing and no one is outside of you, it is easy to fall in love with everyone and everything, because you are just loving yourself. This awakening to the idea that is all really just you and that you can simply love it all, occurs inside of you and is then reflected outside in your physical reality as you seeing everything as joyous, kind, and compassionate.
There is no one out there attempting to harm you, there never has been. It has always been just you imagining that you were separated into different parts, completely convinced by this ingenious sleight of hand of this particular structure of physical reality that you have have designed for yourself to to play out, but now the game is at an end and you are putting the pieces you broke apart back together again and are now realizing it has always been just you interacting with yourself in giant holographic mirror you call physical reality. Now you can stop the shadow play in this house of mirrors and take control of your life, because you now know how it works and you realize that it is you that is one, the OZ, who is behind the curtain making it all happen.
For those of us that choose to live together on a “Harmonious Earth,” we all must understand how we are connected with everything and everyone. We must understand what appears to be “other” outside of us is really just ourselves, but continue to play out the game of physical reality with this new understanding in an awakened way where we respect others and at the sametime fully express our own individuality. Unity is not the product of homogenization… Unity is the product of the validation of every single difference as equal. We are all essential and unique pieces in a puzzle picture and by being our true selves we enhance the whole.
By: Kirk Nielsen
What You Put Out You Get Back
Your Frequency Determines What You Experience
Your strongest beliefs are what you are putting out. You beliefs make you who you are and create the experiences you have. The beliefs you hold most strongly generate the energetic frequency that you are. Your thoughts, emotions and behaviors, are what you believe about yourself and determine the kind of reality you experience, because there is no reality aside from your definition of it. What you put out you get back. You cannot experience what you are not the vibration of. Your vibration is the “TV” channel you are tuned to. You shift by changing your frequency and your frequency comes from what you believe.
“You attract what you are and repel what you are not.”
Physical Reality is a Mirror
Physical reality is literally like a mirror. It does not exist except as a reflection of what you most strongly believe is true. If you look into a mirror and see a frown, you know that it would be senseless to reach out and attempt to change the frown in the mirror. You know you must smile first for the frown to change in the mirror. The image in the mirror will never change unless you change first and conversely if you change, the image in the mirror must also change to match what you put out. The same is true for physical reality, because it does not have a mind of its own. It is just a reflection of you.
What You Put Out Is Determined By Your Core Vibration and What You Believe
What you believe is what you put out, so the way to change your experience is to change what you believe.
If you have a belief then you will choose experiences that prove to you that your belief is true. You reinforce your beliefs by choosing experiences that validate them and then say, “see, I told you so, that proves that what I believe is true.” The belief came first and then you setup the situations and circumstances that supported it.
You are a neutral being and are free to choose to experience circumstances any way you want. From all the possible experiences you could choose, you will choose the ones that validate your beliefs. You cannot have an experience without a belief. The key to remember is that beliefs come first and then you choose experiences that match them. Believing is seeing, not see is believing.
The beliefs that generate your experience may be unconscious as well as conscious, which is why you may experience something that doesn’t seem to be generated by something that you believe. You may think that you do not have a belief that is generating that experience, when in fact you do and it is just hidden in your unconscious.
You can transform the belief or definition that is causing you pain by simply identifying it. Negative definitions and judgments can be released the moment you realize you have them, if you believe they can. When you realize you have them and they no longer make sense to you, believe that they are gone and they will be. See more on shifting beliefs in the section on Beliefs and Definitions.
You have a core signature vibration that is who you truly are. It is the vibration of joy, happiness, and excitement. When you feel these emotions, you know you are being your natural self. If something is not working in your life, it means that what you are putting out is out of alignment with your signature vibration. If you experience pain, it is because you are resisting who you really are. All pain is resistance to the natural self.
Your core vibration is always putting out the frequency of what you truly are and thereby attracting to you frequencies that are similar and repelling frequencies that are opposite. If you didn’t “do” anything you would have everything you need come to you and everything you don’t need go away from you. In fact that best thing you could do would be to stop holding onto what wants to get away from you and stop pushing away what wants to come to you. It is your programming and limiting beliefs that get in the road of a perfect flowing happy life. Life works. Let it work. Let it flow.
Life in and of itself is neutral and comes with no built-in meaning. You give life its meaning with your definitions. Your experience of any person, situation, or thing is determined by your definitions. You are the experience you are having itself. There is only one mechanism for motivation and that is your belief that your behavior will bring you more pleasure and less pain.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Everything Changes
Everything changes except… your existence, the All being the One and the One being the All, and the law of attraction and repulsion that says what you put out you get back.
You are consciousness and are shifting that consciousness through billions of realities per second, and this is what creates the perspective of movement. You are never the same thing twice. That person from your past was you, but you were never that person. Everything changes when you change anything. Every change is a complete change, including the main characters, stage, backdrop and props. You are literally a new reality every moment… not a new person, but a complete new reality. The thing that is actually changing is your perspective.
“Everything changes except… your existence.”Everything that exists has always existed and always will exist, so nothing is ever new except your perspective. Each moment is a distinct reality and is frozen and will never change, like a snapshot on a frame of film. What changes is your perspective. Your consciousness shifts across these frozen realities or frames of film to create continuity and linear movement through time and space, just like the projector light that shines through the frames of movie film as it moves through the projector. You are constantly creating the experience you are having. That is reality.
Changing The World
You will never change the world you are in or anyone else in it. To change your world, change your energetic vibration and take yourself to a simultaneously coexisting world that you prefer, of which there are an infinite number, populated with people who are more representative of that frequency. The other world will still exist; it will never change. All realities exist forever. All you do is shift to the one you choose to experience in the illusion of so-called change. It is not that anything out there has actually changed; it’s that you have taken yourself to another parallel reality and are now getting a reflection of a completely different world.
If Change Does Not Occur
Once you decide to change, nothing in the Universe can stop you and nothing in the Universe would stop you, because you are your Universe. Not for one second is anything ever withheld from you that you decide should not be withheld. There is no reality except for what you define it to be, so when you change your definitions, your reality must change. If you experience something that you say you don’t prefer then you know you have a definition, conscious or unconscious, that says to change would be more painful than what you are experiencing right now, because your only motivation is to move towards what you believe is more pleasurable and away from what you believe is more painful.
Change is Instantaneous
Change is instantaneous. You do not need to “try.” All the trying and process is just the amount of time you believe you need before you are ready to actually change. Process itself does not bring about the change, it is just the time you need before you decide to make an instant change.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Everything is Here and Now
Everything is Here and Now
There is actually only one moment and one place. Everything exists now and everything is here. The structure of everything already exists, always has, and always will, but your perspective and your experience is new, so live in the now moment as though it has never happened before, which from your perspective it has not.
The flow of time is just the same one moment from different linear perspectives and moving through space is also just shifting perspectives. Time and space are the same thing; they are mental constructs created by our consciousness as a part of this particular dimension.
All time is now. The past is created from the present. There is no past and future except what we make them up to be from the present moment. All lives that seem to in the past and future are happening now. When you tune into other lives, you are just cross connecting to simultaneous incarnations.
All space is here. All space is in you; in your consciousness. All locations are in you. When you are moving through space you are moving through your consciousness. An object does not exist in a location. Location is one of the variables of an object and if that object is you then you can change your location by changing you. You change your location by changing your frequency because you are energy at a particular frequency.
The Location where you live is important, because it is part of the frequency of the holistic reality that you experience yourself as. You are not just an individual being in a world, you are your complete reality and location is a part of that.
“There is no past and future except what we make them up to be from the present moment.”Synchronicity
Synchronicity is the physical translation of everything happening at once, in perfect timing, as it needs to, and everything being connected. Live here in the present and allow the synchronicities that you experience to demonstrate to you that everything already exists here and now.
Everything Is Perfect
If it is happening it is meant to happen. Creation makes no mistakes. What you are putting out you are getting back. See the benefit of what is happening in each moment and accept it as a perfect creation. What you are experiencing is a perfect creation of what you are putting out. If it is not your preference, then you can change your vibration to create the next perfect moment that is more in alignment with your preference. This approach validates the path you are, the stepping-stone you are on, and allows you to then take the next step in an empowered way knowing it will be another perfect creation. Defining where you are as perfect empowers you to know that you are a perfect creator. From this perspective you are empowered to create what you prefer.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Physical Reality
What Is Physical Reality?
Physical reality is something you create within your consciousness. It exists inside of you, not outside of you. There is nothing “out there.” It is all inside of your consciousness. The physical universe does not exists without you. You are it, it is you. As you awaken you realize that you “are” the reality that you previously thought you existed “in.” Traveling in space and time is traveling in you.
Physical reality is a reflection, like an image in a mirror. You know that to change your image in a mirror from a frown to a smile you have to smile first before the mirror can reflect it back to you. You wouldn’t reach out with your hands and try to grab hold of the edges of the mouth in the mirror and turn them up.
To change physical reality change your vibration, change your frequency, change your state of being, change what you are putting out first and then the reflection, which is physical reality, can change. Do not be concerned if the characters on the stage appear to be the same. You will be getting a different effect because that is what you are putting out. It doesn’t matter if the characters are the same if you are having a different experience. Your experience is what matters. What you experience is your reality. Your experience is who you are. You are the cause and the effect. When the image of physical reality needs to change it will – in its own perfect timing.
Matching the Frequency of How You Are Creating Physical Reality
As you expand your consciousness you let go of your rigid definitions of physical reality and shift to definitions of your reality being more like a dream, more quasi-physical, and not so solid and fixed. You more fully match the frequency of how you are creating your physical reality and things in the physical reality can change much more rapidly, because you drop the differences between what you think physical reality to be and what you think yourself to be. You realize you are the the reality you previously thought you existed in.
“The difference between madness and genius is shifting consciously and creatively.”
Expansion is about becoming comfortable with breaking continuity and moving effortlessly through the unknown. You let go of things needing to be the same and venture into the parts of you that have until now you have kept covered up. In the old paradigm going into the unknown was something to be feared and avoided. Now you’ve redefined the unknown and being different as something that is exciting and adventurous. In the past if you unconsciously changed abruptly or dramatically to something very different you may be considered crazy, delusional, or schizophrenic, but now you can drastically shift to something very different and be considered genius if you do it consciously and creatively. The difference between madness and genius is making big shifts consciously and creatively.
Levels of Consciousness – That Make Up This Incarnational Experience
Your consciousness tightens its focus many levels to reach physical reality. As stated in the Laws of Existence you are All That Is expressing itself as particular perspective called physical reality. There is the One, there is All That Is, and there are levels upon levels of consciousness beneath that. There is the level of Earth consciousness which is made up of several hundred thousand oversouls that contain the billions of individual incarnations we know as people.
The oversoul breaks itself into nine levels of consciousness to be the individual incarnation that you know as the person you are. The levels of consciousness immediately relevant to Earth are: oversoul, individual soul, higher self, template reality, automatic collective mind, automatic individual mind, unconscious, subconscious, and conscious minds. Each level is denser than the previous one. As you expand and become more enlightened you become more aware of the levels above.
Physical Self and Higher Self
You can also view the nine levels of consciousness as being be broken into two parts, the higher self and physical self, or also called the higher mind and physical mind. The higher mind is 5th density non-physical and acts as a guide that has a bird’s-eye view because of its infinite perspective. The physical mind is made up of the bottom 5 levels of consciousness, is 3rd density, and is down in the valley, so to speak, and has a limited perspective. The higher mind “conceives” what is going to happen, the physical mind only “perceives” what is happening, and the brain “receives.”
The template reality is the level of consciousness that separates the higher mind and physical mind. It is the realm where the life theme or blueprint of life is laid out. It is 4th density energy, quasi-physical, dream-like and the place you can change who you are. You spend more and more time there as you ascend and expand.
The purpose of the physical self is to allow you to stay focused in physical reality and have a physical reality experience. It is like a mask a diver puts on to experience life underwater. The physical self is the mask and the higher self is the diver.
The 3 main aspects of the of the physical self are: 1-Beliefs/definitions also referred to as the unconscious mind. 2-Emotions/feelings/motivations also referred to as the subconscious mind. 3-Thoughts/behaviors/choices also referred to as the conscious mind. Your choices are based on your motivations and your motivations are based on your definitions. This one sentence describes the mechanism behind everything you experience.
Your Powers in the Physical Reality Game
Understanding that your purpose here is to be the most you can be and understanding the powers you utilize to make that happen while playing this physical reality game are essential to being able to play the game with mastery.
You come into physical reality to experience and expand your understanding of yourself. The mechanism or powers you use to accomplish that are as follows: Perceive, which is to become aware or conscious of something. Choose what is most exciting to you from your perceptions. Act on your excitement to ground it into physical reality. Experience something when you take action on it. Reflect to yourself what you have created so you can learn. Grow from your learning. Transcend and go beyond what you were before. Forget, so you can begin anew from a fresh perspective to experience yourself in news ways, taking new actions that allow you to be more of who you are. Forgetting is a wonderful power to make something appear new in the face of everything already existing. Taking a new perspective is an amazing power indeed.
“Understanding the powers you utilize to be the most you can be are essential to being able to play the physical reality game with mastery”
Experiencing yourself as physical reality expands your knowledge of who you are. The powers you use in creating your life are: perceive, choose, act, experience, reflect, learn, grow, transcend, and forget. By utilizing these powers you move from being an apprentice, to an adept, to an alchemist. It is a cycle you do again and again forever expanding in your knowledge of who and what you are.
Physical Reality is a Game
Incarnating into physical reality is like choosing to play a game. The current players, the game board, and most things in the game are set up to perpetuate the game by making it appear that what is real is an illusion and what is an illusion is real.
By incarnating you put yourself into a kind of sleep where you forget who you really are and become reflections of who you are, which are represented by what appears as things outside of you. Your life becomes a house of mirrors where you and everything around you is something different than what it really is. Birth starts the game and death ends the game. You play the game over and over, again and again from every angle until you learn everything it has to teach you and become a master at playing the game. You are a master when you are awakened and know your true infinite identity while you are still inside the finite parameters of the game.
When you are awakened you understand how to utilize the power of the illusion rather than being under the illusion of power, you have shifted to a different game where you play knowing that what is real is the experience and not the made-up reflections that appear to be outside of you.
The game has different levels of consciousness or scales of awareness, which are sometimes referred to as 3rd density or 4th dimension. The game where you are awake is a 4th density or 5th dimensional game. The 3rd density game is limited, for the most part, to the idea that the only people that exist are those on Earth. The 4th density game is more open and expanded and includes many players from many civilizations throughout the galaxy and beyond.
The physical self is like a diving mask. It is not you. It is just the head gear you wear to have certain experiences and play the game.
All of the people and things in your game are projections onto your higher mind mirror, which is like a holographic screen of your own universe. It is like you make up a video game inside yourself that you are playing inside of your own consciousness. All the people that you interact with in your virtual reality game are doing the same thing as you in their own virtual reality universe. You are not really interacting with them, because you make up your version of them to interact with on your screen and they make up their version of you to interact with on their screen.
The only way to interact with others is by agreeing to do so. If you do not choose to have them on your playing field, then they will not be there. If they are on your playing field and you do not want them there, then you know that you must be choosing it on an unconscious level. If you want certain players on your field of play, then those individuals who have representations of those certain players will synchronistically show up to play with you.
You will know that you have reached a certain level of mastery of the game of life when all the tools and techniques of playing the game seemed to have merged into into one idea, which is to simply “Be Who You Truly Are.” The way to do that is to be present in the moment expressing your joy.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Following Your Excitement
Following Your Excitement
Follow your highest excitement every moment to the best of your ability, with integrity and without expectation or insistence on the outcome. “You” are the experience All That Is is having of itself. When you understand that you are the experience you are having itself, then it becomes obvious to act on your joy in every moment.
“Excitement is your body’s physical translation of the true core nature of who you really are”
The reason we that following your excitement is so important is that excitement is who and what you are. You are made of excitement, joy, bliss, light, passion. So when you follow it, you are being you. You are not being your true self when you don’t follow your excitement. You have been conditioned to believe you are less that you are, a separated human locked in a physical body that is disempowered, confused, and weak, but that is just conditioning.
You are not just “in” a body, you are your body, you are your entire reality, you are energy vibrating at a certain frequency, you are the experience you are having itself, you are the Infinite experiencing itself as a certain perspective. You can lower your frequency, but that is not your natural state of this incarnation. Your natural core signature energetic vibration or frequency is the high vibration of excitement and joy. It would be more accurate to say “be” excitement, or “be” joy, but because of the perspective of believing you are “in” a body, we say follow your excitement, follow your joy. When you shift and realize you are your entire reality you will say be excitement, be joy and not use phrases that create you to be separate from it.
Your Higher Self Knows the Way
To be the most natural true self that you can be, follow your joy, bliss, and excitement. Your signature core vibration is the same frequency that you physically experience as excitement, joy, and passion. When you feel these emotions it is your higher self telling you to go in that direction and that is who you truly are. Taking action on your excitement is the way to be the most authentic you that you can be. It is the way to live your life purpose.
Your higher self sees the big picture and “conceives” how the fullest life for you is going to happen. Your physical self only “perceives” what is happening and has no ability to conceive how anything happens. Your brain is the receiver that “receives” the information from the higher self. Your imagination is the conduit your higher self uses to communicate with your physical self. You are in the flow of life when you allow yourself to be guided through your imagination, follow your excitement, and let go of the steering wheel and stop attempting to control physical circumstances and allow the higher self to do the driving.
Life works automatically! You do not need to question it, manipulate it, or control it. You are always completely abundant and have what you need when you need it. If you do not have it, you do not need it. To experience being in the flow and life naturally working on its own, let go of limiting beliefs that are preventing it from flowing and follow your excitement.
When you follow your excitement, you are following your higher self, and you will be synchronistically led in perfect timing to the exact locations, circumstances, and people that are necessary for you to be the most that you can be. Your higher self is doing its utmost to bring you what you need. All you need to do is stop resisting and let go of what is trying to get away from you and let in what is trying to get to you.
Your Excitement Is A Complete Kit and Will Provide Everything You Need
Following your excitement in each moment can sustain you if you believe that it will and do not place limits on the form in which it does so. You must allow your excitement to be holistic and include everything that is necessary for the expression of your excitement as a whole. Excitement is not limited to just the particular thing that excites you, it also includes all those things that allow you to do what excites you. If what excites you requires transportation, a place to live and food to eat, then getting a car, a house, and food becomes part of the excitement package in addition to being a dancer, an artist, or whatever your particular passion is.
The reason that your excitement will sustain you if you believe it will is because it must follow the law of Creation that states what you put out you get back. This is not just a nice sounding statement, it is physics. When you act on circumstances that contain the highest level of excitement, then you are squarely aligned with your true self, and as your true self you automatically contain everything you need to continue to be your true self. If some function or discipline is required to complete the container that is your true self, then it will automatically be there in whatever form serves you best.
You will function holistically as one event rather than separating yourself into separate compartments with a ‘to do’ list of all the things that need to be done. All that you need will be provided as one complete kit if you follow your joy without expectation and trust that everything you need will be provided. You will be guided to do exactly what needs to be done and nothing more. If something is not provided, then you do not need do it and it may be a sign to go in another direction. If you have taken it as far as you can go and can go no further, then look around for the next most exciting thing to do and do it.
Excitement Includes What is Best for the Group As Well As Yourself
It is not only about what is exciting for you, but what is exciting for all. Even though you are your own universe, there are other beings too and the good of all involved must be considered when following your excitement. Excitement needs to be looked at holistically from the point of view of what would be exciting for the individual “and” what would be exciting for the the group. From a holistic perspective you realize you are the group as well as an individual aspect of the the group.
Why it is So Important to Let Go of Expectations
Tying expectation to excitement nullifies the excitement energy. For the authentic energy of the excitement to stay intact you must follow your excitement for the sake of the excitement and not for what it will bring. Following your excitement is not about getting what you want, achieving a goal, gaining success, or any other means to any end. Those things are outside of you. Following excitement is about doing it for its own sake, just because it is exciting, without leading to anything else. It is about choosing the thing you want to experience and doing it simply because you love it.
The actions and behaviors that you take that are connected to your excitement are physicalized reflections and expressions of the excitement’s frequency. The action follows the excitement frequency, the frequency does not come from or follow the actions. Energy first, physicalization second. Actions do not mechanically get you the thing you want. The thing you want comes instantaneously by being the frequency of it and they are manifest physically through your actions and behaviors.
You are already everything and lack nothing, so all that is left is to experience what you already are. You can never really get anything, because you already are everything. All you can really do is set up ways to more fully experience yourself, which is the reason why you put yourself into physical reality. You just have to remember this fact and demonstrate that you do by staying in the moment and living your joy.
The reason that being present in the moment, following your joy, and doing what is fun for its own sake is so important is that it is the only part of the game of life that is real. It keeps you on track, so you do not get lost in the dream. What you are really inspired to do is who you are, not what you think you should do, have been programmed to do, or are doing to fill a false lack inside of yourself.
Following your excitement just for the sake of the experience is the only way to be who you truly are. To live an awakened life it is essential that you remember that you are the creator of your life and that the world around you is a dream made up by you and is being projected onto the mirror of your higher mind and reflected back to you.
If you are doing anything to get something outside of you, then you have subcome to the illusion and are asleep in the dream. The experience you are having is the only thing that is real. What appears to be going on outside of you is really going on inside of you. It is your your own consciousness making up your own movie of smoke and mirrors to give you the experience you are having. It is just a dream you are observing inside yourself. You are the experience you are having itself.
Again, remember that when you do anything out of expectation of achievement, success, security, obligation, or to get something beyond the sheer joy of just doing what you are doing in the present moment, you have slipped back into the illusion of the dream, forgotten that you are the dreamer of the dream, and now become a character inside the dream with all the restrictions of that character. You are asleep and believing the images that you are interacting with are real when infact they are projections by you onto your holographic screen that you call physical reality.
Do not be tricked into thinking that the excitement of the hero of your dream, which is your physical persona and which you might think is you, is the same as the excitement of the creator of the dream, which is your higher self. Your higher self’s excitement is often very different from your physical self’s excitement. The characters you create are necessarily limited, but as the creator you are unlimited. This is one of the tricks of the game you have to be very proficient at identifying in order to wake up from the dream, stay awake, and be a masterful dream creator. As you do your personal work and become more of who you authentically are you will become more proficient at knowing when you are asleep in the dream and awake and what is your true excitement is and excitement of the physical self that is a cover for anxiety. This is the reason you are here, to have the experience of becoming more of who you truly are.
Determining Whether it is Excitement or Anxiety
You have to be honest whether you are actually experiencing excitement or anxiety. Sometimes you may say that this excites me, but in fact what you are doing is running away from your excitement and actually pursuing something out of anxiety. The physical mind may lock itself into negative definitions of lack and “want” things to fill a hole in itself when it really does not “need” those things. It may see what it “wants” as exciting, but it is really just an effort to cover up the lack it feels.
Being relentless about acting on your excitement will reveal hidden definitions in your unconscious that are out of alignment with your natural self, reconnect you with source energy, and open your root chakra. You cannot go in the wrong direction. Even going down the path of fulfilling the anxious desires of the physical mind can be beneficial to you by reveal hidden limiting beliefs of lack and show you that it was anxiety you were pursuing and not true excitement from the higher self. You get better at distinguishing between the two with practice and when you are honest with yourself, you will know the difference, because the two energies feel different. You will come to know that you deserve to exist, stop covering up anxiety, lose all feelings of lack, and become truly self-empowered.
Your Purpose is To Be You As Fully As You Can…And that is Achieved By Following Your Excitement
Your purpose and mission is to be you as fully as you can, and the way to be the most you that you can be is to act on your highest excitement each moment to the best of your ability without any insistence of the outcome. You are unique. This is the only time you will ever be this you, so take advantage of this moment and be the most you that you can be.
Trust that “life works” naturally on its own and have fun living it. You create a Harmonious Earth by following your excitement and living your highest joy. This is of utmost importance because the energy of excitement is your physical body’s representation of your true natural self. Following your excitement is the path to being more of who you naturally are, a path to the new world of the love you desire, a path of ascension.
Permission Slips
Everything you find that is exciting is a permission slip for you to be your true self. Whatever tool, technique, ritual, or object that you are attracted to is a permission slip that your higher self has designed for you to be more of who you truly are. Permission slips are those things that are aligned with your belief system that you use to allow yourself to be more you. The tool, technique, ritual, or object is not doing anything in and of itself, you are the one who gives it its power. Permission slips let it be alright for you to be more of who you are. It does not matter what the permission slip is, except that you are attracted to use it. It may not work for anyone else, but that does not matter as long as it works for you. The only thing that makes a difference is that you are attracted to it. The reason you are attracted to it is because it is aligned with your belief system.
There Will Always Be Challenges… And That Is Exciting!
You will always have challenges, because they are an integral part of the game of life and essential for you to experience growth, expansion, and diversity. Rather than using the word like hard or difficult, use the word challenging, because it does not carry with it a negative judgement. It more accurately describes the attitude you desire to approach life with and true nature of experiences that really are exciting and adventurous. With your advanced understanding of the structure of physical reality and the nature of existence you are in the flow and work through challenges joyously. Challenging issues that come up are discussed openly and resolved with an attitude of win/win for all. It’s easy when you follow our higher guidance.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Abundance and Manifesting
You Are Already Abundant
“Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.”You are already completely abundant. You lack nothing. You always get back an abundance of what you put out. Abundance is a state of consciousness. Abundance is a perspective. It is knowing that you are Source energy and that you are enough.
A Harmonious Earth is an abundant Earth. The two go together. Being harmonious and abundant is realizing that you are an aspect of All That Is and have access to All That Is at all times. You know there is always enough and that you have what you need anytime you need it, and so you take only what you need when you need it and leave the rest.
The reason for using the word “need” rather than “want” in saying that “Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it” is because the physical mind may lock itself into negative definitions of lack and “want” things to fill a hole in itself when it really doesn’t “need” those things. You’ll always have what you need when you need it, but it may not be what your physical mind thinks it wants.
Manifestation is Making the Invisible Visible
You manifest what you believe is true. You already manifest perfectly. Manifestation is instantaneous. You do not have to learn to manifest, you just have to learn to manifest what you “prefer” and not manifest what you do not prefer. Manifestations that you do not prefer come from limiting beliefs that you may or may not be unaware of and that are often hidden in the unconscious and subconscious parts of yourself.
Manifestation is not the process of bringing into existence something that doesn’t exist; it is simply an alteration of perception, which is the alteration of beliefs. Everything already exists and is already manifest. Manifestation is the process of making the invisible visible. You make it visible by believing in it. If it is invisible to you, it is your strongest existing beliefs that are making it invisible. When you shift your beliefs you shift yourself to a parallel reality whose vibration is already reflective of a reality vibration you prefer and you will experience the reflections of those new beliefs.
To be proficient at manifesting what you prefer, you must be very clear that your strongest beliefs, whether conscious or unconscious, create your manifestations. Manifestation may not occur if you have any doubts attached to those beliefs. Once you’ve imagined what you prefer and adopted the new beliefs, allow yourself to trust and behave as though it is done. See it, think it, breathe it, act it, talk it, and walk it without any expectations. Know it is your new reality regardless of what exterior circumstances may look like.
Surrendering and accepting “what is” demonstrates it is who you truly are, you believe it, and are the vibration of it. Do not look to the reflection of physical reality for verification, because that just demonstrates doubt which will undermine the process. Know that you have changed because that is who you are and trust that when you need to see the reflections of your new beliefs in physical reality, you will.
When you learn to do more with less, you will be able to do less and get more. When you do the best you can with what you have you radiate an energy of conviction that increases what you have and attracts more.
You have changed your perspective and are looking through the eyes of a different world. You never really change the world you are on, it still exists, never changes and will always exist; you simply shift to a parallel reality Earth that reflects your new beliefs.
Manifesting by Visualizing and Behaving As If
In order to manifest and experience the reality you prefer, you must be the vibration of that reality first. You already are the person you want to become. You just have to know it, and then you will act like it, and then you will be it and experience it. You can shift to any reality instantly, but the catch is that it may take some practice to know that that is how it works.
A technique you can use to become more proficient at shifting realities is to visualize your preferred reality and then notice the differences between how you behave in that reality and how you behave in this one and then start acting in every way you can like that version of you in the preferred reality. The more you reflect and mimic that version of you, the more you will have that reality.
Learning To Do More With Less
One of the keys to abundance is learning how to do more with less, so you can do less and get more. When you are filled up by just sitting in the sun, walking through nature, or any number of other activities, then you really understand concept of abundance. This does not mean that anything is wrong with indulging in the luxuries of life, but it is important to expand your definitions of abundance to include all forms. Be aware that beliefs in lack and powerlessness are often the driving force behind acquiring unnecessary material possessions to make yourself feel full and the need to manipulate and control others to make yourself feel more powerful.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Energetic Frequency, Density, and Dimension
Definition of Energetic Frequency
In this age of awakening we are operating on higher and higher frequencies. In our past we have chosen to have a very limited and focused experience and we did this by establishing limited beliefs that only allowed certain information into our awareness. Now that we are choosing to let more information in, we are letting go of the limiting beliefs that have prevented us from being all we can be.
Frequency is the vibrational rate of consciousness. Everything, including matter, is energy vibrating at a certain frequency. Different states or properties of objects are created by their different frequency rates. As the frequency rate rises, more information is made available. The invisible becomes visible. The information has always been there, but now it can be experienced.
To operate at a higher frequency means you have more frames per second moving through your consciousness and there is more information on those frames. Raising your frequency is like upgrading to a computer screen that has more pixels, higher definition, and even multiple channels all at the same time. It’s like watching a high definition movie in 3D virtual reality versus an old flat VHS movie. Operating at a higher frequency allows you to more easily switch between multiple channels on your TV set of life.
There is Nothing Outside You
Physical reality is a projection that is being reflected on the mirror of your higher mind. You are your own holographic universe. There really isn’t anything out there…outside of you. It is all inside of you and made of your own energy that you put out. The way you “put out” your energy is by strongly believing in something. You don’t need to learn how to do this; you do it automatically. You just need to get conscious control of it. The trick is becoming aware that this is what is happening and then knowing how to change the channel you are watching by changing your frequency. Each of your beliefs is a specific frequency. You shift your frequency by shifting your beliefs. To do this you have to be open to it, which requires you to be operating at a higher frequency.
How To Raise Your Frequency
In order to raise your frequency you have to become aware that there are differences in frequencies, which often are your subconscious and unconscious beliefs. For example: When someone walks into a room and you feel dark or negative energy around them, or the opposite when someone enters a room and you feel uplifted by their energy, you are aware of different frequencies. Another example is environmentally or situationally, like when you’re driving in traffic versus walking through nature. Both have very different frequencies of energy, one being chaotic, intense, and serious, and the other being calm, harmonious and uplifting. Becoming aware of how different people and places make you feel is necessary to uncovering the beliefs behind the feelings. You cannot have an emotion without having a belief first. When you feel a certain way, that is the signal that you have a belief that is creating that emotion. Knowing that emotions are always linked to beliefs and that limiting beliefs must be expanded is essential to raising your frequency and shifting your state of being.
Another thing to remember when learning to shift frequency is that all energetic frequencies are equally valid and that the frequency you are presently choosing is just your preference in this now moment. It is just a matter of what you prefer. “Higher frequencies” are literally lighter; check out the attached image. A lower (no worse, just physically different) energy would be one that is more dense physically or slower, which is shown in the image as 1HZ. A higher frequency is faster, making it less physical and more light which is shown in the image as 4HZ.
A holistic approach that includes physical action is needed if you intend to raise your frequency and experience more light. You have to behave in an integrated, expansive, and loving way in addition to feeling it and thinking about it. You are playing the physical reality game here in this incarnation and part of the game is to ground the energy into physical reality so it can complete the circuit. You have to physically stop participating in frequencies like war, manipulation, and segregation which have a polarizing effect towards the negative and are of a lower denser frequency. When you are physically compassionate, kind, work together, see the similarities, and love each other you are operating on a higher frequency.
The best way to raise your frequency is to follow your excitement-joy-bliss to the best of your ability, with integrity, and no expectation of the outcome. Doing this will teach you about the different frequencies you are operating on. Just think about it, if you are doing what you love then you will naturally be operating at the highest frequency in that moment and if you do that then you will be having fun and being happy which is your natural self!
“To be free to expand, define things as positive and negative energy rather the good or bad, so that there is neutrality without judgment or a fixed energetic charge.”
Matching Only The Frequencies You Agree To
The only way you can experience anything is by agreeing to match that frequency. You will be invisible to frequencies that you do not agree to match and are not your preference even if someone has negative intentions towards you.
You may still be able to naturally observe them, but if you do not agree that it is your prefered reality then you will not mirror or match that vibration and will not take it on. No one can do anything to you. You cannot be a victim. Everything is a free choice.
Frequency/State of Being Matters, Circumstances Do Not Matter
Your frequency is what is creating your experience or circumstances. Nothing in all of existence can contradict this, because you are the consciousness that is creating it all. Circumstances are not creating your state of being, your state of being is creating your circumstances. Put simply circumstances don’t matter, state of being matters. This is a play on words and has a double meaning, because matter is literally created from energetic frequency, not the other way around.
When you define that everything that happens in your life is positive, it does not matter what happens. Why care what happens if you know that whatever happens is going to have a positive effect? If it is all for your own benefit then you can let go of caring about circumstances, relax, and enjoy the journey. What needs to happen will happen in perfect timing. The higher self conceives, the physical self perceives, and the brain receives. Your higher self has the steering wheel and knows what it is doing. Let it drive and let your physical self observe the ride and work together with the higher self doing what it is instructed to do. That is all there is to it.
Life Has No Meaning, Except For What You Give It
The meaning something has is the meaning you give to it. All circumstances and objects are just neutral props. You give them their meaning. What you put out you get back. Life has no built in meaning, so all the meaning that you place on neutral props is being mirrored back to you and experienced as your life.
If you are not happy with the circumstances you are experiencing, then you will continue to experience unhappiness. The way out is for you to redefine those same circumstances as beneficial and see the value in them. They will then teach you what you need to learn and once the lesson is learned they will never be experienced in that same old negative way again. The same circumstance may occur, but you will not experience it as negative.
Define everything that is happening in your life as positive and as what needs to happen. Say to yourself, “If it is happening then it is meant to happen.” This will change your frequency and you will experience a new image, or the old image in a new way, on your giant holographic big screen TV of life.
Dimension vs. Density and Shifting Between 3rd and 4th Density
Density is a term used to indicate vibrational frequency. It is defined as being the measurement of mass, consistency, or how dense something is. The word Density is used in a scale to denote the differences of frequencies between realities. Using a 7 density scale model, our world is currently a 3rd density frequency making the shift to 4th density.
A dimension is the measure of spatial extent, especially width, height, or length and implies location. So we are a 4th dimensional reality, which include 3 dimensions of space and 1 dimension of time. We are presently in the process of shifting to a 5th dimensional reality where we include existence beyond space and time. We are shifting from 4th dimension to 5th dimension. 3rd density is equal to 4th dimension and 4th density is equal to 5th dimension.
3rd density reality is designed to be limiting and segregative. Its focus is on individuality and separation from other human beings, nature, Earth, beings beyond Earth, the source of who you are, where you came from, your connection to All That Is, and the fact that we are all the same One thing. In 3rd density change is slow and difficult. Time, space and matter are solid, fixed, and unchanging. The only things that are real are what you take in from your physical senses.
4th density is expansive and integrative. Its focus is on the the harmonious blending of individuality with everyone and everything around you. When you are operating from a 4th density frequency you know that you are a multi-dimensional being, change is fast and easy, time and space are malleable, flexible and fluid. You know you are connected with All That Is and you understand how you are connected with other human beings and at the same time are still an individual entity.
Check out Lyssa Royal for more information on densities.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Removing Negativity – Judgement of Good and Bad – Motivation
Removing Negativity and Experiencing What You Truly Prefer…
To truly experience a Harmonious Earth you have to be truly harmonious in yourself, which means you have to have harmonious belief systems, because it is through your beliefs that you derive the images that are presented on your holographic screen of life. To the extent you experience the polarity of right and wrong, good and bad in yourself you will experience it on your Earth. If your Earth is reflecting that it is in conflict, it is serving you by providing a mirror for you to see that you have beliefs of conflict that are generating your conflicted experience.
The work then is to put yourself out there following your excitement, living the fullest life possible, and watching what comes up. When disharmony comes up you know you have an unconscious belief that is out of alignment with your authentic self, which is always naturally harmonious. Identify the belief and change it to one that is harmoniously aligned. If you play it safe and don’t live your highest joy you will not be able to dig out the hidden beliefs that are causing disharmony in your life and you will not evolve and be the most “you” that you can be, which is the reason and purpose you incarnated in the first place.
You may still understand what you are by seeing what you are not in the reflection of others for a while. As you work through your beliefs and become clear about who you truly are, you may experience representations of people who are not fully aligned with what you prefer, but that is because you are not fully aligned with what you prefer and they give you the option of seeing what you are by seeing what you are not, for that is still a common way of understanding who you are. When you no longer need to see the opposite presented and you understand who you are for its own sake, you will no longer experience that polarity.
When you look out and see things you don’t like, you create resistant energy that will have to be removed before you can stop experiencing it in your reality. In order to stop experiencing what you don’t want stop giving it energy by making it wrong, recognize its value, appreciate the purpose it serves, and know it is a valid aspect of Creation. What you resist persists. To release the energetic charge let go of the judgment that it is “wrong” and accept it as just another choice that is as valid as any other.
Focus only on harmony rather than on any disharmony. What you put out you get back, so if you focus on what you do prefer and not on what you don’t prefer, you will experience only what do you prefer. With this approach, for the most part, you will find yourself interacting only with individuals who are similar in vibration to what you prefer.
By adopting the belief that everything is neutral, has a reason for existence, is free to experience what it prefers, and is as valid as anything else, you give yourself those same things, you validate yourself and give yourself the freedom to be whatever you choose to be.
Polarity – Defining Things as Positive and Negative Rather Than Judging Them As Good and Bad
Living fully is about freedom and expansion. Limiting beliefs come with a self-perpetuating mechanism that makes them seem as if they cannot be changed: “You will not survive if you attempt to change these beliefs because they are the only things that are true.” This focus is necessary to provide the intended experience that the belief was designed to give you. You know you have uncovered a limiting negative belief when you have judgments of right and wrong, good and bad. Judgments act as locks that keep you and your beliefs fixed in place.
Right and wrong are perspectives, subjective judgments, the meaning that you give to something. If you let go of judgments and realize everything is neutral until you give it meaning, you will be free to easily shift from belief to belief and live a fluid and flowing life that is in harmony with who you prefer to be. You can only get out of something the meaning that you give it, so if you define everything as positive, then you will experience everything as positive.
Positive definitions are oriented towards expansion, growth, inspiration and the freedom to choose other beliefs which flow smoothly from one to another. Only a few beliefs are needed and they are simply structured.
Negative definitions are oriented towards contraction and come with the idea that they can’t be changed, and if you try you will not survive; you will die. They exist in compartments separated from other beliefs in a well-defended honeycomb-like structure of beliefs made up of rationalization, justification, projection, paranoia, rejection and reward. Many beliefs are needed and are complexly structured.
Be clear that you can neutrally observe something without having to align with its frequency and experiencing it as your own. You are your own energy and are always free to choose what the reflections of physical reality mean to you. Life comes with no built-in meaning. You are the one who gives it its meaning.
You Are Always Motivated By What You Believe Will Bring You More Pleasure
You only have one motivation mechanism (emotional mechanism): You will always move towards what you believe will serve you and bring you more pleasure and away from what you believe will not serve you and bring you more pain.
This is important to understand, because it tells you that all you have to do in order to change something you do not prefer into something you do prefer is to find the definition that you have that is attached to what you say you do not prefer and change it so that you believe it does not serve you, then add a new definition that is in alignment with what you say you prefer and make sure it contains as part of that definition the knowledge that it will serve you and bring you pleasure above and beyond the belief you held onto before.
As soon as you believe that what you say you want will really serve you and bring you more pleasure than what you are experiencing now, then there will be nothing that will stop it from happening.
Change is instantaneous. You do not need to “try.” All the trying and process is just the amount of time you believe you need before you are ready to actually change. Process itself does not bring about the change, it is just the time you need before you decide to make an instant change. You make the instant change by shifting your belief.
By: Kirk Nielsen
Beliefs and Definitions
Beliefs Create Your Reality
Your beliefs and definitions create your reality. New beliefs are necessary to create new and different realities or experiences. Believing is seeing, not seeing is believing. There is no reality except your definition of it. Your reality is manifested from what you believe. You only experience what you believe you experience.
You cannot have an emotion without first having a belief and then a thought to trigger it. Beliefs, emotions, and behaviors are the triad that make up your personality structure. You literally are what they are, but it is your beliefs that generate your reality and so your beliefs are where all the work is needed if you want to change your reality. Everything flows through your “belief filters.” What you put out is what you get back and your strongest beliefs are what you are putting out, so you will have to restructure your beliefs so they are harmonious in order to experience a Harmonious Earth.
The point of incarnating is to expand your knowledge of who you are and the way to do that is to bring your hidden definitions to light from your unconscious to your conscious. By utilizing the power to perceive, choose, act, experience, reflect, learn, grow, transcend, and forget… you move from being an apprentice, to an adept, to an alchemist.
You cannot experience what you are not the vibration of and what you vibrate comes from your strongest definitions. There is no reality aside from your definitions of it. What you put out you get back. To change your experience you have to change your definitions.
Believing Is Seeing
Believing is seeing, not seeing is believing. We know that our reality is manifested from our state of being and definitions, so when we align ourselves with the ideas of a unified holistic world, it must work. We are supported by our higher guidance, our extraterrestrial families, spiritual guides, angels, and Creation itself.
A regular personal practice aided by living in community provides the kind of supportive environment that is essential to transform fear-based beliefs into positive ones.
Transform Beliefs Instantly
The moment you identify a belief, it is gone. When you bring a belief from your unconscious mind into your conscious mind you are at the end of the process and it will instantly disappear (unless you believe it won’t), because it will no longer make sense to you. You will realize the belief is not yours, that you’ve been carrying around someone else’s belief, and you are free to just let it go.
Negative emotions are your signal that you have beliefs that are out of alignment with your natural self. To change from one belief to another you simply become aware of the hidden belief, let it go, and start believing a new one. This process is instantaneous and 100% complete the moment you become conscious of it. It can be that easy, if you believe it is. You are that flexible, but many people don’t believe they are, so believing that change is easy and joyful would be a good belief to start with if you want to really accelerate your ability to transform.
As soon as you believe that what you say you want will really serve you and bring you more pleasure than what you are experiencing now, then there will be nothing that will stop it from happening. When you decide to change you will change instantly. All the trying in the world does not change anything. The processes and “trying” are just the amount of time you believe you need before you are ready to make an instant change, but you could change at any moment. Process itself does not bring about the change. This is not just a nice sounding philosophy; this is physics, because what you put out you get back.
Beliefs Swept Under The Rug Will Still Be Experienced
You do not get rid of beliefs, you transform them. If you try to get rid of a belief and push it away, not only will it not go away, it will persist and strengthen and you will have to create a compartment to hold it and keep it away from you. You still have the belief, but now you have put it away out of sight. You buried it in your subconscious. It is still operating with full power, only now you do not know how or where it is operating from and you think it is outside you in other people and circumstances. This is how a scary negative world is created.
To create a harmonious world you have to bring up all that has been buried in the unconscious and subconscious and transform the beliefs so they are neutralized and aligned with your preferences. If you allow the compartmentalization of negative beliefs to continue and grow they will become heavy and eventually the weight will be too much and collapse will occur in the form of stress, negative circumstances, and disease. An integrated approach of facing issues head on by identifying negative hidden beliefs when they come up in the form of negative emotions and not sweeping them under the rug is the way to true freedom from fear and the realization of full self-empowerment.
New Definitions Are Needed To Create a New World
Our civilization is moving towards living in a new connected and integrated way with one another. The collective definitions that have created the experience of separation and segregation are falling away. Consciously establishing new definitions will accelerate the experience of living in a connected, integrated, positive way. This is the mission of Harmonious Earth, to present a clear set of definitions that we can use as a template for a new way of living that is more aligned with what we prefer.
The Key to Self Empowerment is Transforming Beliefs in Lack and Separation
The major issues we face as a society stem from the mistaken belief (definition) that we are disconnected from Source, that we are separate from each other, and are not part of one whole. This one core definition creates the experience of not being enough, being empty and lacking. It drives us in a multitude of different ways, including the desire to constantly accumulate possessions and to own and control people and things.
These things will may temporally provide comfort and solace, but they will never fill the void until we change that cause, which is the core belief that we are separate, finite, and not whole. When we redefine ourselves as infinite beings, completely abundant, part of the whole, and know that joy already resides within us and is experienced by simply being who we naturally are in our own unique way, then we will experience a new world community based on love.
In order to experience the unity, integration and love we say we want we need to transform our limiting definitions into positive expansive ones and then live them in our everyday lives. It’s not enough to talk about it and then go back to living in the same definitions, in the same houses, at the same jobs, eating the same food that makes us unhealthy. We will have a new experience when we adopt new definitions and live in connected ways, in community with each other, where we can influence each other in positive ways, like supporting each other in taking action on our true joy, eating healthily, being unconditionally loving, and sharing our resources.
The Surrender of Beliefs That Do Not Serve You
Define surrender as letting go of beliefs that do not serve you and that are not really yours. Surrender does not mean you give up or lose something that is a part of who you really are. It is actually the process of letting go what is not yours in the first place. You are more authentically you once you let go of what you now realize is not yours. You still do what is exciting to you, but you do it for a different reason. Rather than doing it to fill the hole or lack inside of you, you take action because it is your authentic joy and highest passion. You lose nothing and gain everything.
7 Steps To Transform Beliefs
The following seven step process is designed for those that are just getting started with changing beliefs and for those pesky fixed beliefs that may be difficult to change. As you shift and become more flexible you will not need as lengthy of process and be able to change in an instant, but until then these steps will help you become more proficient and educate you in what is involved with transforming beliefs.
- Tell your story about a behavior you do not like, or an upsetting situation that has occurred, or an negative issue you are facing that you want to change. Repeating behaviors make great candidates because you can test your new beliefs, and see your progress.
- Write yours thoughts about it. Go into detail about the situation as you see it.
- Write how you felt. Ask questions from the list below to elicit emotions.
- Capture the exact words. Hidden beliefs are contained in the words “you” use and the way you phrase them. It is your definition of what the words means that is holds your beliefs. If possible record the story and transcribe it verbatim.
- Extract all beliefs and definitions by going through your story.
- Ask this: What would I have to believe is true in order to have felt that way or thought that? or… What are my definitions/fears about acting on my highest joy that would make me hesitate to do so? Look for the ways that “not” having what you say you want has served you, because you are always motivated to go in the direction of what you believe will bring you the most pleasure and the least pain. Doing this process will uncover the hidden beliefs.
- Make a complete list of Beliefs. Beliefs are subjective and not factual, and lie beneath emotions and feelings. Beliefs are found in statements containing words like I am, should, wrong. Look beneath these words and you will find beliefs.
- Group similar beliefs. Go through the list and group beliefs that are similar. Put a number one by the top belief and then go through the list and put number ones next to all beliefs that are similar. Put a number two by the next belief and go through the list and put number twos next to all beliefs that are similar. Repeat until every belief has a number by it.
- Condense the list by restating them in a sentence or two capturing the essence of all the beliefs in that group. Don’t go so far that you lose the meaning, but go far enough so that it is manageable. Reduce the list to less than seven if possible, but no more than ten. The brain works best with groups Smaller than about seven. If you have more than ten then, break the group into additional groups.
- This list represents what you believe to be true and it creates what you experience as your reality. Now that you know “how” what is happening in your life is occurring, you can change it.
- Arrange an inspired setting to receive your new beliefs.
- Find a location that is quiet conducive to inspiration, set aside a time when you will not be interrupted, and position your body in a way that is open to receive information. When you are waking up in the morning is a good time and place to visualize your new beliefs because your mind is fresh and clear.
- Open yourself up to your higher guidance and ask for your spiritual guides assistance and that any unbalancing energies be transmuted into love.
- Neutralize any egoic intentions and energetic charges and reach beyond the limitations you believe this life imposes on you.
- Quiet yourself and lift your consciousness to areas of peace and harmony. Surround yourself with light and loving energy. Tap into your own infinite knowledge and wisdom and ask for assistance in replacing your existing list of beliefs with beliefs will serve your highest purpose.
- When finished, thank yourself and your guides for the honor of their presence, the help with this process and time you get to share with them.
- Create new beliefs to replace the existing beliefs from the list.
- Read each old belief from your list and acknowledge how they have served you, but now needs to be changed for you to be your fullest. Write it out if you feel it would help. They are parts of you that you have rejected for a reason, find that reason. There is a lesson hidden inside of them. Let go of your resistance, forgive yourself, bring back that wounded part of you, and create a new definition that mirrors the new you, who is loving and strong.
- Make a list of new beliefs that you “do” prefer. Above each summary of your existing beliefs, write down your new beliefs. Compose new beliefs that are positive and innately aligned with who you know your highest and truest self to be. Reach into your well of higher knowing, rather than into what you have been taught to believe in this world. Come up with beliefs that would create the kind of reality you would like to experience. Have the open attitude of, “what else is possible?” Imagine who you would really like to be if you could design yourself just the way you choose. What would your beliefs be in order to experience your new world?
- Ask this: What would I have to believe is true to feel positive in the same circumstance rather than the negative emotion I have been experiencing?
- Use positive expressions that are expansive and unlimited when stating your new beliefs. Let the words flow. Be free, creative and uncensored. Write as much as you need to get your new belief to where you feel good about it.
- Condense your new beliefs into a sentence or two capturing the essence of each belief.
- Name each belief using one or two key words extrapolated from each belief. These titles are a convenient way to remind yourself of your new beliefs.
- Create bridging statements to help remind you why your new belief is true in times when you might question it.
- Create a list of statements that will bolster you when doubts arise. List the reasons and evidence of how and why your New Beliefs are true. They are the bridge that gets you from the old belief to the new belief.
- Get into the proper state of mind. Imagine you have already incorporated the new belief and you are explaining it to someone else. Remember, your old self does not believe your new belief is true and does not have the resources to make up these bridging statements.
- For example: Old Belief: I’m stupid. New Belief: I’m intelligent and resourceful. Bridging Statements: I graduated high school. People come to me for advice on difficult matters. I can take care of myself. I know how to prepare my own taxes. I take part and hold my own in intelligent conversations. I got into college. I speak three languages. My memory is fantastic. I understand legal jargon, etc…
- Be playful. Have fun. Lighten up. Don’t take it so serious. To take the charge off the old belief, be silly and say it in baby talk or like you are a goof. Bridging is anything that helps you let go of your past limits.
- Put into action. This is the important part. You want to Be your new beliefs. The most effective and efficient way to do this is…….. Practice. Here’s how:
- Apply your new beliefs immediately. Be, Act, and Speak your new beliefs. When situations occur where you used to behave your old way, apply your new belief and behave your new way.
- Imagine yourself going through the same scenario and see yourself responding differently with the new beliefs. See yourself implementing your new beliefs and hear the phrases you will use when you state them. Listening to yourself as you speak and catch yourself if you start telling your old story and turn it around to the story of the new you.
- Make a list of your reminder key words that represent your beliefs and write them on a card or sticky note. Post your reminder lists in several areas around the house, car, locker, wallet, etc., and anywhere you will see them on a regular basis.
- Recite your new beliefs every day, multiple times. If you practice everyday, it usually takes about 30 to 90 days for the new belief to become solid. Read your full list of new beliefs & bridging statements out loud morning and night. Say them into a mirror. It’s important to verbalize them and get them out of your body and into the physical world where you can hear them and see them and experience them.
- Share your new beliefs with others as you feel comfortable and inspired to. Ask for support when you need it from those who love you.
- Revise as necessary. Go back and make adjustments to your new beliefs as often as needed to remain excited about them.
- Revise your new beliefs and add more supportive bridging statements as needed. This is important because you will actually notice yourself growing and changing and not relating to some of the original statements as you begin to embody the new you.
- Combine any new beliefs that have morphed and evolved into the same belief.
- If issues come up with you new beliefs, go back in and get more refined, more precise and use your imagination to find if there is a core belief underlying the belief you think is causing the behavior. Is there something under that, that is making me believe that, that if it didn’t exist, the other belief wouldn’t exist. Stay with it. It is all working out perfectly.
Enjoy your new life! Congratulations! You’re doing it!
By: Kirk Nielsen