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Addressing Survival Needs First

The Need for the Group to Provide Food and Shelter A major hurdle that must be overcome before we can have a higher conscious community/society is the unrestricted availability of food and shelter, the basic needs. It is not enough to provide just the basic needs, we...

The Benefits of Community

Being In a Group Accelerates Growth You can grow/evolve quicker if you have other people around you to mirror back to you your ideas, beliefs and who you are being. You get constant feedback. You can then make adjustments and test them again. Isolating yourself may be...

Necessary Keys to Ascension

Shift to an Infinite Perspective Ascension requires you to start operating from the premise that physical reality is a reflection that is inside of you and not outside of you. You have to expand the concept of “you” to being an infinite being rather than a human body....

The Benefits of Not Needing Proof

The Purpose of Proof The Idea of physical/scientific proof is just a program/belief that has been taught to us to keep us focused/fixed in the physical reality game. What is true? Everything is true. Nothing is true depending on your perspective. Truth is relative....

Loving Communication

Loving Communication is Essential for Healthy Relationships The purpose of communication is to create a reflection that shows you what needs to be understood to be more of who you are. Communing with and relating to others mirrors back to you what you are putting out....

Loving Others

Loving Others (Service to Others) Others are everyone that you perceive as other than you. You are the Others that you perceive. RA calls others your “Other Self,” because it is all really you. It is important to love others because they are you and you...

Loving Me

Loving Me A knowledge and love of yourself is essential for you to experience loving relationships. You need to remember your own divine nature for you overcome the energy of separation of this third density reality and shift to a 4th density loving reality where your...

How Densities and Chakras are Related

How Densities and Chakras are Related   There is a correlation between the densities and chakras. Unblocking and opening up our chakras in our body is like moving through different densities. On planet Earth we are shifting from 3rd to 4th Density. This is like...

Sedona, Arizona

Sedona – Hybrid Headquarters The Sedona Harmonious Earth Community has a certain specific mandate. It is the headquarters for the network of communities involved in the Hybrid Program around the world. As the headquarters it receives information about the...

Get Involved

Exciting Times We are very excited to be involved in this exciting time of world transformation where everyone is choosing what kind of an Earth they are going to experience. If you are reading this it is probable that you are choosing to shift to an Earth of...

Marty Nasralla ~ Canada

Title – Gift – Talent Harmonious Earth Communifier, Social Dynamics Facilitator, Event Coordinator, Network Developer, Community Unifier, People Unifier Description of My Gift There is nothing more exciting to me than to bring people together and make sure that their...


  The Purpose of Relationships The purpose of all relationships is to reflect to all those involved in the relationship what they need to understand to become more of themselves. To accomplish this each individual in the relationship lives their highest joy and...


Purpose of Sex Sex and sensuality are healthy natural parts of life, a way of connecting to more of who you are through an energetic exchange with another person, thereby completing a circuit. Sex is beautiful, expansive and ecstatic when entered into for the purpose...


The Purpose of Communication “To commune is to converse intimately or to be in a state of heightened sensitivity and receptivity with others.” The purpose of communication is to create a reflection that shows you what needs to be understood to be more of...


Education Life is school. Education happens naturally. A Properly Structured Society Naturally Provides Education On a Harmonious Earth education is built into the social structure. The structure of the society is the education system for everyone in the society. It...

Kevin Guerette ~ Canada

Title – Gift – Talent Intergalactic Ambassador – Energetic Cornerstone –Vibrational Artist – Student of the Cosmos Description of My Gift I love sensing the energies all around me and maneuvering in such a way to raise it as much as I can! That’s part of my gift: to...


The New Economy A Harmonious Earth economy could be defined as follows… The efficient and sustainable use of natural and material resources for the production, equitable distribution and consumption of goods and services, taking into account the benefit of all...


The Need to Move to a Moneyless System On a Harmonious Earth everything belongs to everyone. There is no private ownership and so there is no need for an arbitrary symbol of value such as money to be placed in the middle of exchange. Synchronicity aligns what is...

You Exist

You Exist Now, You Always Will, and You Always Have You exist. You cannot not exist. If you take this out to its ultimate logical understanding you realize that if you exist now you always will and you always have. You are eternal. You are consciousness. Everyone and...

What You Put Out You Get Back

Your Frequency Determines What You Experience Your strongest beliefs are what you are putting out. You beliefs make you who you are and create the experiences you have. The beliefs you hold most strongly generate the energetic frequency that you are. Your thoughts,...

Everything Changes

Change Everything changes except… your existence, the All being the One and the One being the All, and the law of attraction and repulsion that says what you put out you get back. You are consciousness and are shifting that consciousness through billions of realities...

Everything is Here and Now

Everything is Here and Now There is actually only one moment and one place. Everything exists now and everything is here. The structure of everything already exists, always has, and always will, but your perspective and your experience is new, so live in the now...

Physical Reality

What Is Physical Reality? Physical reality is something you create within your consciousness. It exists inside of you, not outside of you. There is nothing “out there.” It is all inside of your consciousness.  The physical universe does not exists without you. You are...

Following Your Excitement

Following Your Excitement Follow your highest excitement every moment to the best of your ability, with integrity and without expectation or insistence on the outcome. “You” are the experience All That Is is having of itself. When you understand that you are the...

Abundance and Manifesting

You Are Already Abundant “Abundance is the ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.” You are already completely abundant. You lack nothing. You always get back an abundance of what you put out. Abundance is a state of consciousness....

Beliefs and Definitions

Beliefs Create Your Reality Your beliefs and definitions create your reality. New beliefs are necessary to create new and different realities or experiences. Believing is seeing, not seeing is believing. There is no reality except your definition of it. Your reality...
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